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See home page for additional testimonials from students and parents.
References  available on request.

Student Comments 
Parent Comments 

"Thank you so much for everything this semester! I was able to understand chemistry much better!!!   - S.L. , Wilton

"Thanks for all your help. It definitely got me on the right track! (calculus)" - S.G., NYC via Zoom 

"Thank you so much for helping me on my ACTs and SATs. I got into Northeastern, my top choice, and I don't think I could have done it without your help. You are an awesome tutor"  - G.M.,  Pound Ridge

"You have done a fantastic job, and we are so pleased to see S. doing well in Physics" - mother, New Canaan

"B. said that your session together was so helpful! Thank you! (algebra 1)" - mother, South Salem

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